Saturday, October 29

Get a body like Blake Lively's: Star's personal trainer Bobby Strom tells you how

By Deborah Arthurs

Last updated at 6:06 PM on 28th October 2011
She’s become one of the most sought-after actresses across the pond after finding fame in hit TV show Gossip Girl.
But, having been blessed with a naturally stunning figure, up until recently Blake Lively, 25, had never watched her diet and rarely hit the gym.
But as she set to work shooting physically demanding scenes as fighter pilot Carol Ferris in the superhero film Green Lantern, Blake tells Health & Fitness magazine that she discovered her fitness levels needed to be at their peak.
Blake says she had never worked out before embarking upon her fitness regime with Strom
Blake says she had never worked out before embarking upon her fitness regime with Strom
Blessed with a naturally stunning figure, Blake had never needed to watch her diet or pursue an exercise regime in the past - but her new film role demanded a new level of physical fitness
The star drafted in the services of celebrity trainer Bobby Strom ( to help get into shape.
Today, the benefits of Blake’s new nutrition and fitness regime can be seen in her healthy, athletic looking shape. In fact, as per Strom’s own fitness philosophy, Blake says that now, six months on from the premiere of the film, it’s now part of her everyday life.
‘My philosophy is that exercise and proper nutrition are a lifestyle and not a movie role or a training period,' he reveals in this month's Health & Fitness magazine.
Strom is a firm believer that exercise and good nutrition should never finish.
Blake Lively had to get in shape for her stunts on Green Lantern, where she plays a pilot alongside co-star Ryan Reynolds
Blake Lively had to get in shape for her stunts on Green Lantern, where she plays a fighter pilot alongside co-star Ryan Reynolds
'Blake hadn’t done much training before but when she saw me training her co-star Ryan Reynolds, she wanted to take advantage of my services,' he says.
The willowy blonde already had a beautiful figure but, for Blake, training was more about improving her strength, core and aesthetics.
Blake had to perform some of her own stunts on the film, so turned to Strom to help her achieve strength and flexibility.
'She knew if she trained with me she could master these stunts amazingly,’  he says.
And with Strom as her taskmaster, Blake says she's being tested more than ever.
‘I’m working out harder than before,’ says Blake. ‘With all those stunts, it makes sense to be well-prepared.’
Strom trained Blake for 60 to 90 minutes four times a week, depending on how her shoots were going.
‘Ryan and Blake normally both had day shoots but because Blake started shooting her scenes later in the day, I’d train Ryan at 5.30am and then Blake around 9am. Sometimes there were night shoots, so it was quite tiring,’ he explains. 
On top of that, Blake had a lot of massages to help her get through. ‘It really helped her back,’ says Strom, ‘while helping to break up all the tight muscle tissue so she could relax and get stronger.’
The moves that got Blake into shape

Strom was of course overjoyed when Blake’s team quickly lavished him with compliments on his clients’ shape, which he says, was achieved in record time.
‘Although I didn’t notice too much of a change at first, her team did! Just three weeks after we’d started training together she’d gone off to do a photo shoot and her hairdresser came back later and told me that she looked different.
Then Blake herself said she felt stronger and looked different, which was an amazing feat after such a short space of time.
‘After three weeks, I got results, I had abs,’ says Blake. ‘Definitely worth it!’
‘Blake’s shoulders, arms and back looked amazing,’ Strom says, ‘and with all my training and her hard work, she became much more toned and athletic-looking rather than looking like a thin model.’
The moves that got Blake into shape

So exactly how did Strom whip Blake into tip-top shape?
‘We started with functional training,’ says Strom. ‘Because of the way you’ve been conditioned to use your body in life, your dominant body side means you have weakened, underdeveloped areas, which prevents you from making muscle and strength gains.
This training targets weak areas and activates other muscles to adapt and grow. It also helps stability and core strength too,’ says Strom. 
The trainer also did unilateral training with Blake. For example, while standing on your right leg (soft knee), lift your opposite foot in front of you, then lateral lift a 5lb dumbbell with your left arm.
Do this for 20 reps and switch sides. ‘Using opposite sides of the body destabilises it,’ he says, ‘so you have to use new muscles to stabilise.’ This exercise improves balance and co-ordination while building up muscle but not bulk.
For more exercises, follow Bobby on Twitter @bobbystrom.

Strom set to work reducing Blake’s body fat by three or four per cent. ‘What you want is low body fat to get more lean muscle,’ he says.
‘To achieve this, we’d start off with a warm-up, such as a light jog, to get the blood flowing before moving onto circuits, which meant she was continuously burning fat.
We did around 10 different moves three or four times, repeating the same exercises but never in the same order.’
Blake’s assistant and Strom would shop at Wholefoods and work together on Blake’s diet. Blake bought a juicer and blended beetroot, carrots, kale and celery for an energy boost.
‘She also ate health foods such as tabbouleh salads and quinoa dishes but stayed clear of cream sauces and ate loads of vegetables.
It was great to see someone who hadn’t trained and eaten like this really appreciate what I’d taught her. She was very appreciative and looks awesome!’


  • Eat lean proteins in the form of egg whites, fish and turkey breast.
  • Don’t forget healthy fats too, such as extra virgin olive oil, almonds and avocado
  • Choose low-GI carbs such as quinoa.
  • Reduce salt, sugar and high-GI carbs including white flour, pasta and white bread.
  • Drink lots of water throughout the day.
  • Eat regular, smaller meals.
  • Allow yourself a weekly treat in the form of cheese or chocolate, but make sure you don’t overindulge.

Thursday, June 23

HHow to tame your tum: Is yours a spare tyre or a stress bulge? Finding out your tummy type is the key to getting a perfect midriff.

For many women, getting bikini ready means tackling one dreaded area in particular — our tummies.
Most of us still think the best way to achieve a washboard stomach is by doing hundreds of sit-ups. Not so, says A-list trainer and body guru James Duigan.

James, who sculpts supermodels Elle Macpherson and Rosie Huntingdon-Whiteley among others, insists there is no ‘one size fits all’ method for getting a flat belly. Instead, he’s identified five key ‘tummy types’, all of which require a different approach to achieve successful toning.

Get a flat stomach: First you need to identify your tunny type
Get a flat stomach: First you need to identify your tunny type

Once you’ve identified your type, you can transform it following James’ tailor-made plan and get that flat tummy fast.


The spare tyre: This is one of the easiest tummy troubles to eliminate because it's caused by eating the wrong foods and not exercising enough
The spare tyre: This is one of the easiest tummy troubles to eliminate because it's caused by eating the wrong foods and not exercising enough

These people are likely to lead sedentary lives, perhaps with jobs that keep them desk-bound. They may also have an emotional attachment to sugary foods. 

Luckily, this ‘spare tyre’ is one of the easiest tummy troubles to eliminate as, according to James, it’s caused by eating the wrong foods and not exercising enough.


‘If you exercise very little, eat lots of sugar and refined carbohydrates in products like biscuits, cakes and white bread, or rely on starchy carbs like pasta and rice, you probably have an overweight tummy with accompanying fat on your legs and hips,’ says James.


  • Cut down on alcohol. ‘Alcohol is a fat bomb for the tummy — pure sugar which goes straight to your waist and stops you burning all other fat until the booze has been processed,’ says James. ‘Just a few glasses three to four times a week will lead to a “wine waist” — a thick midriff and podgy tummy. ‘If you want to drink occasionally that’s fine, but the bottom line is that you have to cut back on booze to get a flat belly.’

  • Once you cut out alcohol for two weeks, it’s time to overhaul your diet. ‘In a nutshell, eat well and move more,’ says James. Avoid low-fat and so-called ‘diet’ snacks. ‘These pre-packaged products are often packed full of chemicals, refined sugar, salt and preservatives to give them flavour. 

  • ‘Ditch calorie counting in favour of a healthy diet full of unprocessed fresh foods such as fish, eggs, organic meat and vegetables. ‘Start the day with eggs and smoked salmon, or even grilled chicken and vegetables, and snack on sliced lean meats. ‘And don’t be afraid of eating good fats, such as avocados, nuts and oily fish. These encourage your body to burn midriff fat, giving you a flat tummy.’

  • ‘Exercise is the key to helping this tummy type,’ says James. Simply going for a long walk, doing lunges, squats or dips at home or a yoga class will be beneficial. You don’t need a gym.


If you regularly reward yourself for a hard day with a piece of cake or deal with bad news with a biscuit, it’s important to remember that being beautiful is as much about how you feel as how you look. The starting point for any tummy transformation is feeling happy.


Stress tummy: These types are typically over-achievers with perfectionist personalities
Stress tummy: These types are typically over-achievers with perfectionist personalities

Stressed-tummy types are typically over-achievers with perfectionist personalities. They are usually also susceptible to digestive conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), which can cause bloating and make their tummies look far worse.

‘Stress tummies are easy to spot, as the weight is specific to the front of the midriff and the umbilical area,’ explains James. ‘When stressed, we produce cortisol, a hormone which encourages the body to cling on to fat around the stomach.’

Stressed tummies will also be fairly hard to the touch, rather than wobbly.


It’s likely you skip meals, abuse your adrenal system with too much caffeine and grab junk food for convenience.


  • Get an early night. ‘Stressed women nearly always sleep badly, which disrupts the production of leptin, the hormone which helps regulate appetite and metabolism,’ James explains. ‘This is why we eat more when we are tired and crave fat-depositing sugary snacks for an instant energy boost.’ 

  • Combat exhaustion with a relaxation strategy of deep-breathing, meditation and long baths before bed to encourage a good night’s sleep and limit coffee consumption to no more than two cups a day.

  • Don’t go for the burn when exercising. ‘Excessive cardio which increases cortisol levels isn’t the answer,’ says James. ‘Instead, yoga, long walks and resistance work with weights is perfect for sculpting and building up strength while calming the system.’

  • Magnesium is a calming mineral to help soothe a stressed belly. James advises eating lots of magnesium-rich foods such as dark green leafy vegetables, Brazil nuts and seeds.


Stress-busting stretches and yoga poses at night time can help to lower cortisol levels, while chamomile teas or James’ own Bodyism Body Serenity supplement (£30 for 20 servings, can also help the body unwind.


The little pooch: These women are likely to be busy mums or have demanding careers - hey may even be a gym junkie
The little pooch: These women are likely to be busy mums or have demanding careers - hey may even be a gym junkie

These women are likely to be busy mums or have demanding careers. ‘They may even be a gym junkie, but stuck in a workout-and-diet rut, perhaps always eating the same foods and doing the same routine at the gym, which keeps you slim but leaves you with a lower belly that spoils your silhouette,’ says James.


‘Doing excessive crunches and using gimmicky gym items such as ab-rollers can place a strain on the hip flexors and the lower back, causing the tummy muscles to protrude so your belly sticks out,’ says James.


  • Good nutrition and plenty of fibre are essential to improve digestive conditions such as inflammation, bloating and constipation, which can make a pooch tummy worse. Green leafy vegetables, oatbran and wholemeal grains are good, natural sources of fibre.

  • Sit-ups done incorrectly increase your lower back curve and accentuate the ‘pouch’ effect. Swap sit-ups for planks. Do these by lying face down on a mat, resting on your forearms. Push off from the floor, rising onto your toes and elbows, so your body is parallel to the floor from your head to your heels. Start off doing ten seconds and build up to a whole minute.

  • It’s a common misconception that using weights bulks women up. In fact, the opposite is true. Using weights will burn serious amounts of fat in a short space of time, so try introducing circuits — repetitions of exercises like squats or lunges which work individual muscle sets.


Be kind to your tummy, reduce inflammation by drinking lots of water and eating easy-to-digest foods such as green vegetables and lighter proteins such as fish and chicken.


The Mummy tummy: Women with these bellies have usually given birth in the past few years, and, being a typical mum, have little time for themselves
The Mummy tummy: Women with these bellies have usually given birth in the past few years, and, being a typical mum, have little time for themselves

Women with these tummies have usually given birth in the past few years, and, being a typical mum, have little time for themselves. ‘After giving birth, the uterus drops and is much heavier than it was pre-pregnancy,’ says James. ‘It takes at least six weeks to return to its usual size, so don’t even think about trying to get a flat stomach until after then.

‘You need to re-train your pelvic floor and lower abs to increase blood flow and strengthen loose muscles.’

Rushing back to exercise too quickly. ‘I would suggest waiting around two to three months,’ says James. ‘Being stressed about getting rid of your baby weight will only make you cling onto it more. Give yourself a break!’


  • ‘Fish oil supplements turn on  fat-burning hormones and turn off  fat-storing hormones,’ says James. ‘Begin by taking three 1,000mg capsules a day with meals and build up to five. I’ve trained Elle Macpherson through two pregnancies and she takes these every day.’

  • Try to eat good fats — found in sources such as nuts, oils and olives — every day. ‘Not only do they help you burn fat and absorb vitamins from food effectively, they also help combat tiredness — a big help for tired mums,’ says James.
  • Gentle pelvic floor exercises (known as Kegels) act as a natural corset for the body to flatten your tummy from the inside out. Squeeze and clench your pelvic floor muscles 15-20 times, in five sessions a day.

  • Steer clear of sit-ups. ‘After giving birth, the linea alba muscles — which run down the mid-line of the abdomen — separate and you need to allow them to recover,’ says James. ‘Crunches are the worst thing you can do, as they will force these muscles farther apart. Instead, breathe deep into your tummy while on all fours, then slowly exhale while doing a pelvic floor exercise.’


Daytime naps (try putting up blackout blinds) and stretching before bed are important ways to restore sleep hormones and boost fat-burning. 


Bloated tummies: These are often flat in the morning, but swell throughout the day with gas or indigestion
Bloated tummies: These are often flat in the morning, but swell throughout the day with gas or indigestion

Bloated tummies are often flat in the morning, but swell throughout the day with gas or indigestion. Bloating affects both slim and overweight women. It is almost always caused by food intolerances and allergies, or sluggish bowels as a result of a poor diet.


You eat the same foods and may have done so for a lifetime without realising you’re intolerant to them.


  • ‘The most common intolerances I see are wheat and gluten (bread, pasta, pastries, pizza, cakes and cereals), alcohol, yeast (in muffins, beer and pastries) and processed dairy (cheese, milk, butter),’ says James. ‘Gluten in particular can inflame the bowel and make the stomach look bigger.
  • ‘Experiment to work out what bothers your belly as you know your body better than anyone else. Try eliminating key culprits such as gluten for a fortnight to see if your bloating reduces, or worsens when you reintroduce foods. Focus on a diet with lots of fresh veg, meat, chicken and fish.’

  • Sluggish bowels are often a result of eating the wrong foods in the wrong way. Make breakfast your biggest meal, as this is when  digestion is at its peak, and avoid eating late at night which leads to bloating. Chew food properly and drink plenty of water to keep the digestive system moving.

  • Bloating can be a sign of imbalanced gut flora. So to get your tummy really flat you need to repopulate it with friendly bacteria. Prebiotic and probiotic supplements are the simplest way. Natural sources include miso soup, sour cream and some fruit and veg including kale, garlic and onions. A healthy gut means a flat stomach.


Believe it or not, breathing can be the best thing you can do for this kind of tummy. Try this each morning: lay on your back, completely relaxed, and breathe deep into your tummy ten times. After eating, a walk will help the digestive process, too.

Read more:

Sunday, May 15

Health special: Flat tummy forever


Last updated at 2:26 AM on 15th May 2011
    Beach babe curves? Check.  Honed legs? Sort of. Toned tum? Eek! That holiday holy grail – a bikini body – is the one target that most of us find hard to keep under control. That’s why we’ve enlisted the help of celebrity trainer James Duigan (right), the man who shaped up Elle Macpherson, no less. This week, in part two of his Flat Tummy Fast diet and exercise plan, he shows how 12 simple lifestyle changes will help get your tum to beachworthy and beyond

    1 Eat fat
    I'm talking about good fat, the sort found in nuts, avocados, oily fish and oils. I’m not talking about bad fat – also known as transfats, which often go under the names hydrogenated oil, hydrogenated vegetable fat and partially hydrogenated vegetable fat. Good fats should be eaten every day. They encourage your body to burn fat around your middle, giving you a nice, flat tummy, and help to absorb vitamins and minerals more efficiently. So whenever you have a salad, always add some good fat to it, whether you drizzle it with olive oil or sprinkle over some chopped nuts or seeds.

    2 Take a bath 
    Lots of my model clients take an Epsom salts bath just before a bikini photo shoot. Just add one or two mugs of Epsom salts (available at most pharmacies) to a hot
    bath – not too hot, as you want to be able to sit in it comfortably. Epsom salts are an ancient remedy for drawing out toxins. Taking one or two of these baths a week will speed up your weight loss.

    3 Spring-clean your insides
    The ideal ratio of bacteria in a healthy human gut is 85 per cent friendly to 15 per cent
    harmful. However, studies show that too many people in the West have this ratio the other way around. If your stomach doesn’t feel fantastic or if it looks or feels noticeably
    different (swollen, sore, bloated, etc) after eating certain foods, then it may be time you cleaned up your gut in order to get your stomach really flat. To do this you must first eliminate all the foods, chemicals and products that cause the bad bacteria to breed.
    • Drink filtered water rather than the chlorinated water that comes out of your tap.
    • Eat organic meat. If money is an issue, eat meat less often and buy better quality for the times when you do. Non-organic meat comes from animals that are fed antibiotics, which you then end up consuming.
    • Cut out alcohol, which kills friendly probiotics (it’s also packed with sugar, which makes you fat).
    • If you have to take antibiotics, remember that they kill all bacteria – friendly and unfriendly – so always take probiotics afterwards to replenish your good bacteria.
    • Many everyday, over-the-counter drugs can lead to a paunch, so keep all unnecessary medications to an absolute minimum.
    • For a list of foods and supplements that will repopulate your gut with friendly bacteria, see part one online at

    4 Don’t overcook it
    If you overcook food, you’ll kill off or reduce the number of nutrients it contains. Try to make sure about 50 per cent of the food on your plate is raw. If you can manage it, eat all your vegetables raw. If not, steam, blanch or roast them to retain as many of their nutrients as possible.

    5 Beware of gluten
    Foods that contain gluten can weaken your abdominal wall and make it slack, resulting in a protruding stomach. Lots of people are gluten intolerant, which can inflame the bowel and make it look bigger, especially just below the belly button. Foods containing gluten include: bread and pasta (unless otherwise stated) 
    • most breakfast cereals 
    • muffins l pastries l baked goods l pizza bases
    • pie crusts l biscuits l cakes l croissants l bagels
    • alcohol made from grains, eg, beer, whisky,
    • bourbon and liqueurs l cheese spread l ketchup
    • processed meats l margarine l oats l salad dressings l sausages l seasoning mixes l semolina l soups, apart from home-made l soy sauce and most Chinese sauces l sweets that contain stabilisers made from gluten.

    6 Sleep it off
    We’ve come a long way since going to bed when the sun sets and waking up when it
    rises, but this is how our bodies were – and still are – designed to function. Most of
    us follow a completely different sleep timetable to that of our ancestors, but if
    you return to this old-fashioned way of sleeping you’ll lose weight, especially around your tummy and waist. A hormone called leptin is responsible for telling your brain when your stomach is full, and it also helps to control appetite and metabolism. Not sleeping properly disrupts this hormone, which is why you find yourself eating more when you’re sleep deprived. However, there are ways of tweaking sleep to resemble our ancestors’ schedule, but which are still practical for modern life. Here are five tips
    for tummy-toning sleep:
    • In the hour or two before bed, turn off your laptop, TV and mobile phone, and keep your lights low. You need to make your environment dull and calm, in keeping with your natural body clock. 
    • If your bedroom is too hot or too cold, you won’t sleep; the ideal is 16-18C. 
    • If possible, have 15-minute power naps during the day. Even if you can’t fall asleep, have 15 minutes with no electronic gadgets, books or magazines. Just lie down with your eyes closed and breathe deeply. 
    • Use blackout blinds in your bedroom to cut out any sunlight, street lights or lights from passing traffic. Failing that, buy an eye mask and pop it on before you go to sleep.
    • Establish a bedtime routine. Do something relaxing every night before bed, whether it’s having a bath, listening to music (studies show that classical music calms the brain), or reading a chapter of a book – then go to sleep at the same time each night, give or take 30 minutes.

    7 Eat flat-tummy foods
    It’s hard to escape stress in modern life, which doesn’t help us win the battle of the bulge. Studies show that the stress hormone cortisol causes our bodies to dump fatty deposits all over our tummies and waists. Being stressed all the time is like sticking on an extra inch of fat. But the following foods can help to reduce stress which, in turn, will keep your tummy flat…
    • Blueberries are top of my list because they’re a low-GI (glycaemic index) food, which keeps your blood-sugar (and energy) levels steady. Eat a handful of blueberries every day if you can.
    • Green vegetables, such as broccoli, kale and asparagus, the darker the colour the better.
    • Red, yellow and orange vegetables, including tomatoes, carrots and peppers.
    • Turkey contains an amino acid called L-tryptophan, which triggers the release of serotonin (a relaxing feel-good brain chemical).
    • At least 2-3 litres of still, room-temperature water sipped regularly throughout the day.
    • Natural, organic yoghurt provides a good hit of minerals, including calcium which is important for your nerves. Yoghurt also neutralises the acidity caused by stress.
    • Oily fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel contains lots of omega fatty acids, which control levels of cortisol and adrenalin (another stress hormone) in the body.
    • Almonds, pistachios and walnuts are full of vitamins B and E, which boost your immune system (whereas stress weakens it). Have a small handful of nuts every day.
    • Avocados help to lower blood pressure because of all the monounsaturated fat and potassium they contain.
    • Cantaloupe melon is an excellent source of vitamin C, which is great for beating stress.
    • Beef is full of iron, zinc and B vitamins, all of which have been shown to chill you out. But limit yourself to one or two portions a week, organic if possible.

    8 Don’t be a screenager
    Limit the amount of time you spend watching TV or browsing on your computer in the evening. It will suck the life out of you, disrupt your sleep and overstimulate your brain. Only watch one or two TV shows that you like, or go online to do something specific – never both at the same time, and not for longer than an hour or two a night.

    9 Steer clear of vampires
    Stay away from ‘energy vampires’. You know the ones I’m talking about – ‘friends’, colleagues or family members who drain you of energy with their negative attitude. Spend time with people who make you laugh or do things that you find fun.

    10 Have a massage 
    Do this every week if you can, as it releases calming, feel-good hormones into the body. If you can’t afford it, get your partner or a friend to give you a foot or shoulder rub.

    11 Take time out
    Have some down time every day. Whether you’re alone, or with your favourite person,
    spend at least 30 minutes of every day doing something relaxing.

    12 Always have breakfast
    Eat within one hour of waking up, otherwise your body will become stressed, with the consequences that entails. If you don’t have time for a proper breakfast, just grab a piece of fruit and a few nuts. 
    James Duigan is the founder of Bodyism, a unique nutritional and personal training system ( His clients include Elle Macpherson, Hugh Grant and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

    Read more:

    Monday, May 9

    Trim that tum in 7 days

    Trim that tum in 7 days

    Worried you'll have a bikini bulge this summer? Try the cult Flat Tummy plan and you could lose half a stone in just a week

    Last updated at 2:22 AM on 9th May 2011

    Banish bikini bulge: Get a flat stomach in a week with the Flat Tummy Plan
    Banish bikini bulge: Get a flat stomach in a week with the Flat Tummy Plan
    Does your tummy feel bloated and flabby? Do you buy clothes to disguise your muffin top? Do you think your bikini days are long behind you? 
    Our tummies are always the first place to betray any weight gain — and as every woman knows, shifting a spare tyre can be notoriously difficult.
    But according to Kate Adams, founder of the Flat Tummy Club, you can lose up to 7lb and knock inches off your midriff in just seven days by following the cunning diet and exercise programme that helped her lose more than two stone.
    ‘When I landed my dream job as a diet and health book publisher several years ago, I was absolutely thrilled,’ she says. ‘Unfortunately, even though I had all the latest weight-loss information at my fingertips I became so wrapped up in my ambitions and deadlines that I stopped looking after myself and piled on 2st.
    ‘All of a sudden, I found I couldn’t get my jeans done up and I had a substantial, stubborn spare tyre sitting around my middle.
    ‘Of course, I made resolutions to do something about it — but, like most people, I seemed unable to stick to any diet for more than a couple of days.
    ‘Eventually, desperate to make a change, I pulled together all my favourite strands of knowledge from across my ten years of health publishing and formulated my own weight-loss plan. A plan that worked so well at reducing bloat and excess weight that I lost 7lb in the first week and 2st in six months.
    ‘Even better, the excess pounds and unattractive muffin top have stayed away — I’ve been back in my old jeans for almost two years and even feel happy wearing a bikini.
    ‘By popular demand, I started to share my diet and exercise tips, first with friends and family and then through a website I set up called the Flat Tummy Club.’
    Now you can join the club, too — and start losing weight today. Here, step by step, Kate shows you how...


    A small glass of wine at dinner will do you no harm in the flat tummy department. 
    However, it’s very easy to fall into the trap of drinking too much, too often. For many of us, there is also a direct correlation between how healthy the rest of our diet is and how much alcohol we drink. 
    It’s not just the extra calories in that half-bottle of wine — but all the nibbles that often go with it. If you know alcohol is one of your vices, you will need to avoid it or strictly control the amount you drink if you want to lose weight.
    When I started my Flat Tummy plan I found that addressing why I over-ate was just as important as looking at what I was eating when it came to creating a weight-loss plan to which I could stick.
    Starting today — and for the rest of the week — carry a small notebook around with you and jot down everything you eat and drink, as well as any exercise you do.
    Add as much detail as possible: do you eat lunch at your desk? What feelings trigger you to eat unhealthily? This may be hard to do — even painful — but it really is the only way to get a clear picture of where your weaknesses lie. 
    As well as keeping a diary, write down your weight, measurements (bust, waist, hips, upper thigh) and take a photograph of yourself as you are now. Charting your progress from week to week is a great motivational tool.
    Once you’ve listed a few days of eating and exercise habits, you’ll be able to start to use what you have    discovered to lose weight. Perhaps you’ve realised you should take a packed lunch to work to avoid the temptations in the local cafe.
    Or maybe you need to opt for a relaxing bath rather than reaching for a bottle of wine at the end of a tiring day.
    In addition to your diary findings, these simple, tried and tested diet rules are all you need to lose excess pounds easily, keep your appetite under control and eliminate a bloated tummy. Adapt them to fit in with your lifestyle and the foods you like to eat, and I guarantee you’ll see your spare tyre start to deflate.
    • Eat three meals a day: a substantial breakfast (see above for recommendations); a main meal — eaten for lunch or dinner — which includes protein, such as fish or chicken, a small portion of wholegrain carbohydrates such as brown rice or pasta and plenty of vegetables, PLUS another, smaller meal of soup (non-creamy, home-made or shop bought) or a salad. Be sure to include plenty of the recommended Flat Tummy foods and at least five portions of fruit and vegetables.
    • Don’t go hungry. Skipping meals has been shown to affect blood sugar levels — which, in turn, affects willpower. Choose from the list of healthy snacks (see below right) and have one mid-morning and one at tea-time to keep your energy levels and resolve on an even keel.
    • Start your day with a digestion-cleansing squeeze of lemon in a cup of hot water and be sure to drink an additional six to eight glasses of water and/or cups of herbal tea throughout the day.
    • Steer clear of bread — the high levels of yeast and gluten in shop-bought bread can lead to a bloated stomach and see-sawing blood sugar levels. Instead of sandwiches, enjoy a big soup or salad. If you feel you need some extra carbs, choose oatcakes or sourdough bread, which offer a slow release of energy.
    • Avoid sugary foods if you want to put a stop to energy dips and cravings. Choose fruit for your snacks, or a couple of pieces of good quality dark chocolate.
    • Avoid adding salt to your food because it will encourage your body to retain excess water and help flatten that tummy.
    • Eating slowly and in a relaxed frame of mind means you are likely to eat less (you’ll notice when you feel full) and digest the food more effectively — preventing bloating or wind.
    • Watch your portion sizes. Check food labels to see what a recommended portion of various foods is considered to be (you’ll be shocked at how little that can sometimes be) and eat from a smaller plate to avoid any temptation to overload. If you’re eating more slowly, your appetite should be satisfied with less food than usual anyway.


    Porridge with a little honey or fresh fruit compote OR yoghurt with fresh fruit and a sprinkle of granola OR scrambled/poached eggs OR grilled, lean bacon with
    mushrooms or tomatoes
    OATS: As well as being rich in filling complex carbohydrates and fibre, porridge oats are easy to digest (especially if you soak them overnight) — so they can help you eat less and reduce bloating. Don’t spend a fortune on posh oats. I find the finer texture of the cheapest, supermarket brands makes them easier to digest and, frankly, more enjoyable to eat.
    NATURAL YOGHURT: Protein-rich, natural yoghurt is the perfect satisfying snack. Turn it into a dessert with a drizzle of honey and, for a delicious breakfast, top with fruit and a sprinkle of granola. Yoghurt also contains bloat-reducing lactobacillus — those helpful bacteria that feed our intestines and improve the way our digestive system absorbs nutrients. 
    If you want to get the full effect of its tummy-reducing bacteria, always buy full-fat, plain, live yoghurt — and add fruit or honey to it just before you eat it.
    Low-fat yoghurts are best avoided, because they will often contain ingredients other than milk that will reduce any health benefits and may contribute to bloating.
    MUFAs: Monounsaturated (plant-based) fatty acids, or MUFAs, are fast becoming part of the diet vocabulary. They are considered to be healthy fats, particularly when it comes to heart health, and are found in avocados, olives, nuts, seeds and dark chocolate.
    Some studies are even starting to suggest that MUFAs might help to prevent or even target abdominal fat — so make sure you add small, regular portions of nuts, seeds and avocados to your meals.
    GREEN TEA: Antioxidant-rich green tea is excellent for general wellbeing and for a flat tummy. It has mild diuretic properties and studies suggest it may even help to regulate blood sugar — which will reduce cravings for refined carbohydrates and sugar.
    CUCUMBER: Cooling and diuretic, cucumber is good to eat when your tummy feels like a tightened drum. It can help to relieve fluid retention and its fibre-rich skin is good for digestion.
    Other fruits and vegetables with diuretic properties worth adding to your Flat Tummy diet are watermelon, leeks, celery and asparagus.


    • Bowl of fresh berries or cherries
    • One small banana
    • One ripe peach or pear
    • One fresh fig
    • One clementine
    • One strip of dark chocolate (three to four squares)
    • Glass of freshly squeezed juice or an Innocent smoothie
    • Two Nairn’s ginger or fruity oat biscuits


    • Miso soup
    • Pot of low-fat natural yoghurt
    • Two handfuls of seeds
    • Handful of nuts
    • Half an avocado
    • Crunchy vegetable crudites with hummus
    • Two slices of ham and a few cherry tomatoes
    It’s really important to take time out to relax every day on the Flat Tummy programme. Cortisol, the hormone that is released when we are stressed, directs your body to store fat centrally.
    It also slows down your digestion, so food can hang around in your gut, causing bloating. A good night’s sleep is vital for a healthy digestion and appetite control, too.
    tummy workout
    Extracted from The Flat Tummy Club Diet by Kate Adams, to be published by Hodder & Stoughton on Thursday at £12.99. © 2011 Kate Adams. To order a copy for £12.49 (incl p&p), call 0845 155 0720.

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